
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

the perfect gift.

On my mother's prodding, I finally saw the movie Julie & Julia last night. First and foremost, all I can say is that Meryl Streep is nothing less than brilliant... in everything.

I loved this movie.  I mean truly loved it.  It hit me on so many levels that I immediately had to run to my mother's and borrow her 1967 copy of the cookbook. It almost seems wrong to cook from a new copy.  The faded cover, yellowed pages and torn spine just seem so right.

I love how she created herself from nothing.  I envy her determination. Anyone who has tried to re-invent themselves or start their own business can understand the resolve you must have to be a success and the confidence in yourself to put yourself out there.

I admire their passion. It is one thing to believe in yourself, but to have a partner who loves you for who you are, believes in you and keeps you going when you feel a little lost... they were that for each other.

It is just a wonderful story of a woman we all knew but never really knew. It makes me want to be in the kitchen, an apron around my waste using the Le Creuset flame pots that I had to have because it is the same cookery and color that my mother and grandmother used. It gives me the feeling that anything is possible and heading into this holiday season that was exactly the gift I needed.



  1. Great review! I have been eyeing the DVD and now I will definitely watch it! Sounds like a wonderfully heartwarming and inspiration movie!

  2. It really was. Definitely worth watching. Way more than I thought it would be. :)
